Wednesday 19 March 2008

1st Posting 2008!!!!!


Since i didn´t update my blog the last half a year i will post here quickly a link with the latest photos from Ameli and soon upcoming photos from Timea...Timea? Yes, second daughter should land beginning of June, for those who we still didn´t inform about the new kiddy.
Some people are saying, how i will arrange with three women...well, since i am working quite often in countries where men have several women, i can say then i am building up my own family Harem ;-).

But here a game where you even can win a prize...

Timea, (for now our favorite name, but can still change), should be born on the 9th of June.
I know, it´s quite tight for the Austria vs. Croatia football game, but i hope she will let me watching it, anyway i don´t know for whom to cheer ;-).

Please post me what do YOU think when our new earthling will be born...
...the one who guesses the correct day of birth is winning an abonnement for babysitting Timea whenever it is necessary :-).

The one who can even tell us the exact time is winning an abonnement for babysitting Timea and Ameli!!!!!!

Great, isn´t it?

Okay, my try: 8th of June 2008, 19:30 ...she will make it difficult for me reaching the game!

So stay tuned and we update you as soon something will happen!

Photos of Ameli...

All the best, j&k&a&t

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