Asalam Aleykum!
Nice greetings from Islamabad...the city which sleeps at ten in the eve!!!
Well, we are now for one week in Pakistan and it´s getting hotter and hotter. Today it had 39 degrees, tomorrow they forecasted 44!!!!! Incredible. I am happy to be blown away by air conditions. Even our accomodation has in each room at least one AC plus a huge ventilator which starts to work when the AC blows too much, kind of new energy ressource ;-). Thanks God that ACs are installled everywhere. I think if you wanna make business in Pakistan you should open a power plant, $ !
Katja and Ameli are already getting used to the different culture and i think soon we will need some bodyguards for Ameli, because everybody wants to grep her, touch and take photos of her!
However, first weekend we visited Rawalpindi and Murree...Pindi is really something completely different to Islamabad. The peak of our visit was the lunch taken in a hotel, for all kind of local travellers, where Osama and his gang were probably just one of the tribal guests form the North West Frontier Province. Really exciting! Last Sunday we have been in Murree, the Lignano for Pakistanians, which is on 2.300m...and i think it had nearly 30 degrees in the sun! Well everything else looks quite nice. Tomorrow we are meeting the Austrian community...finally again a nice cooling beer!
Our next plans are going to see Lahore, Karachi, eventually New Delhi, and another possibility would be Katmandu, although i am already happy with Pakistan so...well, let´s see. Okay, hopefully everybody is fine in good old Europe. Please update me from time to time what´s going on since we are here til mid of June.
Here is a link to the photos of last week...enjoy: Photos
Best wishes,
very cute pictures! What a wonderful environment to be in :)
Hallo Felse,
na das sieht ja abenteuerlich aus! Herzlichen Glückwunsch übrigens zu deiner Tochter, wußte gar nicht dass du Vater geworden bist. Laßt es euch weiterhin gut gehen.
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